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Refund Policy Page


When you return an item, your refund amount and refund method may vary. You can check the payment method that was refunded and the status of your refund in Your Orders.

Note: All information on this page only relates to items bought from or Fulfilled by Kanemtrade.


Where's My Refund?

You can check the payment method that was refunded and the status of your refund in Your Order. Note: After the carrier has received your item, it can take up to two weeks for us to receive and process your return. To see how long will take for you to receive your refund, see the table below.

How Refunds Are Issued

If you're receiving a refund after we have received your item, it may take an additional three to five business days to process your return fully and issue your refund.

Once we issue your refund, it may take additional time for your funds to be made available in your account by your financial institution. See the following table for more details


Refund Method

Refund Time (After Refund Is Processed)

Credit card

Three to five business days

Kanemtrade payment gateways

Two to three hours

Offline checkout

Up to 10 business days

Gift Card balance

Two to three hours

Promotional Certificate

No refund issued

Prepaid credit card

Up to 30 days

Shop with Reward Points

Up to five business days


Partial Refunds or Restocking Fees




Items in original condition past the return window*

80% of the item price

CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, or vinyl records that were opened (taken out of its plastic wrap)

50% of the item price

Items that are damaged, missing parts, not in the original condition, or have obvious signs of use for reasons not due to an or seller error

Up to 50% of the item price

Opened software or video games for reasons not due to an Kanemtrade or Seller error

0% of the item price